STB Travel Agents Industry Forum 2016


The inaugural Travel Agents Industry Forum held on the 02 August 2016 was jointly organised by the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) and the National Association of Travel Agents Singapore (NATAS). At the Forum, STB and NATAS launched the Travel Agent Roadmap which outlined initiatives to support travel agents in the areas of Business Transformation, Technology and Manpower. The event also included a technology showcase where agencies and vendors could find out more about technology solutions and assistance schemes available to them.


STB and NATAS will jointly launch the Travel Agent (TA) Roadmap at the Inaugural Travel Agents Industry Forum. The Roadmap aims to enhance the capability and sustainability of the travel agent industry which will be done through 3 main focus areas of Business Transformation, Technology and Manpower.

The Roadmap Handbook captures the key takeaways from the forum for easy reference or to share within your company after the event. The Technology Guidebook lays out the possible technology solutions that travel agents can use to enhance their productivity, as well as innovate services and products.

VIP in attendance include:

  • Mr Lionel Yeo, Chief Executive, Singapore Tourism Board
  • Mr Devinder Ohri, President, National Association of Travel Agents Singapore