National Family Week 2023


National Family Week had its second run in 2023 with a stronger focus on diverse families and structures, such as families with persons with disabilities.

Minister for Social and Family Development Masagos Zulkifli was the Guest-of-honour that launched the event.

150 partner activities over nine days and more than 400 volunteers deployed – a massive, island-wide festival to bring families in Singapore together.

Back for its second run, the National Family Week (NFW) is a chance for families to spend time together and bond over meaningful and fun activities. The annual event, organised by Families for Life (FFL) with support from the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF), returned with its theme, “Yes to Family Time – Anywhere, Anytime”, to highlight that everyone has a role to play in building strong families.

Families enjoyed a myriad of activities for all ages and interests, from games to workshops and walking trails. Parents and grandparents were also able to pick up useful family-building tips from parenting talks and events.

With a stronger emphasis on diverse family structures in Singapore, the 2023 run also featured several inclusive events to cater to and support persons with disabilities.