340 pharma marketers gathered in Singapore, Shanghai, Beijing, Tokyo and Mumbai to hear findings from the jointly conducted McCann Health and McCann Truth Central’s “Truth About Doctors” groundbreaking global study.
The medical industry has not been spared from the rapid change brought on by new technologies sweeping across the human experience. In the face of rapid social and technological change crossing Asia, doctors face a new, disrupted reality.
The study, which will continue its roadshow in Manila, Sydney and Seoul, called for a rethink of the marketing community’s engagement with doctors, as patient care could fast become a casualty—highlighting the impact of a redistribution of power and authority on a doctors’ ability to engage on a personal level with their patients.
The landmark global study entailed interviews with nearly 2,000 doctors in 16 markets, including 570 physicians across China, Japan, South Korea, India and the Philippines. It found that the practice of medicine is not everything doctors thought it would be.