Future-Ready Shipping Conference 2017
A Joint Singapore-IMO International Conference on Maritime Technology Transfer and Capacity-Building

While great technological strides have been made towards enabling sustainable shipping, a gap between such advances and their wide-scale user implementation remain. Technology transfer and deployment need to be fast-tracked to support the effective implementation of requirements for ships’ energy efficiency under MARPOL Annex VI, and to further the progress made by IMO in reducing emissions from ships.
Now in its 2nd edition, the Future-Ready Shipping 2017 Conference – jointly organised by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) – will again gather maritime leaders with a view to catalysing information exchange and fostering a culture of cross-boundary collaboration.
The Conference is structured into four main sessions and aims to identify priority areas for international action on maritime technology cooperation and capacity-building and encourage an exchange of best practices and ideas in technology transfer initiatives. It will showcase existing technology collaborations among various stakeholders and present sustainability journeys of ship owners, port authorities and terminal operators.