FFL Celebrating Our Grands


Families for Life’s annual Celebrating Our Grands (COG) is back! Showcase Love, Care and Concern, Commitment, and Respect for your grandparents or older extended family members! Join us and find out more about how you can celebrate your grands and foster stronger intergenerational family bonds during this October!

Celebrating Our Grands (COG), an annual month-long campaign dedicated to honouring grandparents, was launched today at Bird Paradise, in conjunction with Mandai is Wild about SG, a new initiative to connect local communities while nurturing deeper appreciation for nature. The launch took place at the inaugural “Family Day Out with Grands @ Bird Paradise”, organised by Families for Life in partnership with Mandai Wildlife Group (MWG). The event saw over a thousand family members, who bonded over a movie screening and at interactive learning stations on wildlife and nature.

Mr Masagos Zulkifli, Minister for Social and Family Development was the Guest-of honour.

Emcee Lester Leo is the emcee for Families for Life Celebrating Our Grands event.