Culture Philanthropy Summit


Joining hands for the first time, the National Arts Council and Culture Academy, in partnership with Agenda (Culture Business), are presenting a full day conference packed with ideas, innovations, mindshare and cross-sharing with like-minded art-vocates that make cultural philanthropy meaningful and impactful for our community.

Guest of Honor was Mr Baey Yam Keng, Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Transport & Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth.

Culture Philantrophy Summit - emcee lester leo

The inaugural Culture Philanthropy Summit will see veterans, both international and local speakers and panellists sharing on innovative partnerships and future trends in culture philanthropy. Some of these speakers include acclaimed international speaker, Mr Will Dallimore, former Director of Public Engagement, Royal Academy of Arts (UK) and on the home front, Dr Kevin Lim, Deputy Director from Co:Lab X.


About National Arts Council

The National Arts Council champions the arts in Singapore. By nurturing creative excellence and supporting broad audience engagement, our diverse and distinctive arts inspire our people, connect communities and profile Singapore internationally. We preserve our rich, cultural traditions as we cultivate accomplished artists and vibrant companies for the future. Our support for the arts is comprehensive – from grants and partnerships to industry facilitation and arts housing. The Council welcomes greater private and corporate giving to and through the arts so that together we can make the arts an integral part of everyone’s lives. For more information on the Council’s mission and plans, visit

About Culture Academy

The Culture Academy was established in 2015 by the Ministry of Culture Community and Youth to groom the next generation of cultural leaders in the public sector. Guided by its vision to be a centre of excellence for the development of culture professionals and administrators, the Culture Academy’s work spans three areas: Education and Capability Development, Research and Scholarship and Thought Leadership. In these areas, the Culture Academy provides networking opportunities, platforms for exchange of creative ideas and offers professional development workshops, public lectures and publications to nurture thought leaders in Singapore’s cultural scene.

Some of our key collaborators have included the University of Melbourne, Smithsonian Institution, Reinwardt Academie, Asian National Museums Association, AusHeritage, the National Gallery Singapore, the National Museum of Singapore and the Asian Civilisations Museum, as well as other government organizations within and outside Singapore.