The Singapore government conducts events and roadshows to reach out to the public. These roadshow events are usually conducted by different government ministries and statutory boards.
Depending on the nature of the roadshow, festival or community event, it is usually conducted to educate the public on various government initiatives and to bridge a connection between government bodies and the public.
Being a government roadshow in Singapore, it is important that the emcee is professional and brings the right message across to the community. The emcee should also be engaging to interact with the public to place the government in a more approachable light. The emcee must also be bilingual to effectively bring the message across to different segments of the Singapore public.
The emcee that Singapore government agencies trust is Emcee Lester Leo.
Emcee Lester also hosts high level government Ministerial events which you can find out more here.
Here are some government roadshow events in Singapore that Lester has hosted for:
Healthier SG Roadshow by Ministry of Health
Roving roadshow at Multiple locations
Cyber Security Agency (CSA) Home in on Cybersecurity roadshow
SimplyGo Roadshow by Land Transport Authority (LTA)
Skillsfuture roadshows (Skillsfuture Singapore & WDA)
Roving roadshow at Multiple locations
Digital TV roadshows + Tech4Community Festival (Infocomm Media Development Authority)
Roving roadshow at Multiple locations
WSG Adapt and Grow Roadshow (Workforce Singapore)
Roving roadshow at Multiple locations
SG50 Good Morning Cher (Ministry of Education)
Roving roadshow at Multiple locations
Clean & Green Singapore (National Environment Agency)
NEA CGS main launch
NEA Central CGS
NEA North East CGS
NEA South West CGS
NEA North West CGS
Skillsfuture Festival x Smart Nation
Digital for Life Festival (Infocomm Media Development Authority)
DFL was held at Suntec City and Heartbeat@Bedok

Image: IMDA Facebook page
PA CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) 20th Anniversary (People’s Association)
National Workplace Safety & Health Campaign (Ministry of Manpower)
Toa Payoh Integrated Development (TPID) Public Roadshow by Sport Singapore
Family Justice @ Heartlands
SSG x WSG Jobs and Skills Fair
Silver IT Festival (IMDA)
Roving roadshow at Multiple locations
Citizenship Ceremony (People’s Association INC)
View for more GRC citizenship ceremony and National Citizenship Ceremony events
Smart Nation & U Festival
HDB Innovation Festival (Housing & Development Board)
Active SG 10th Anniversary
Learning Cafe (Lifelong Learning Institute)
One Community Fiesta (People’s Association)
Public Service Festival (Public Service Division)
HDB Community Week (Housing & Development Board)
Yearly event
Year End Crime Prevention Campaign Launch Roadshow (Singapore Police Force & National Crime Prevention Council)
Learning Neighbourhood @ Geylang Serai (Lifelong Learning Institute & People’s Association)
Digital Learning Festival
Lifelong Learning Festival (Lifelong Learning Council)
HDB Cool Ideas for better HDB Living (Housing & Development Board)
Digital Inclusion Festival (IMDA)
Bedok Youth Carnival (Singapore Police Force)
PA Community Sports Awards Night (People’s Association)
PA Community Spirit Awards Night (People’s Association)
People’s Association Inclusive Awards and Appreciation Night
HDB Move-in Celebrations (Housing & Development Board)
Multiple Locations
PA Passion Fiesta (People’s Association)
HDB Launch of HDB Greenprint (Housing & Development Board)
Home Team Festival (Ministry of Home Affairs)
To engage Lester as the emcee for government roadshows or community events, inform your preferred events company, or you can contact him below.
Phone: (65) 8163 2525