Singapore BioMedTech Nexus: Catalysing an Interconnected Innovation Ecosystem


Happy to have hosted the Singapore BioMedTech Nexus: Catalysing an Interconnected Innovation Ecosystem event organised by Johnson & Johnson Innovation JLABS Singapore & SGInnovate!

Singapore currently boasts a thriving life science community, and this joint event brought together industry leaders focused on the 3Ts – technology, tools, and talent – to pave the way for groundbreaking solutions that will have a lasting impact on patients in the region.

Dr Sharon Chan opened the event by discussing how JLabs, a leading startup ecosystem for life sciences and biomedical research, helps companies achieve commercial success.

Dr Alessandro Falcone, MD announced the recipients for the JLABS Singapore QuickFire Challenge Awardees, which was launched last year in collboration with Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB).

The event also saw the launch of the Singapore Navigator, building on from the renowned JLABS Navigator platform which features the profiles of over 1,050 companies Johnson & Johnson have incubated around the world.

If you are a lifescience company in Singapore, it is free to list get the exposure and the opportunity to be discovered by collaborators.

The event also featured a panel discussion on the 3Ts – Uniting Technology, Tools, and Talent for Global Impact, with a very established panel Pauline Erica Tay, Bruno Occhipinti, Loong Wang, Alessandro Falcone, and moderated by Vanessa Ding.

Lester Leo was the emcee for Singapore BioMedTech Nexus: Catalysing an Interconnected Innovation Ecosystem by JnJ Jlabs and SG Innovate.