Pulse Dance Kpop Dance Challenge


PULSE! Dance K-Pop is one of PA Youth Movement’s signature event held annually to reach out to youths who are passionate about K-Pop Dance.


This is the third year we are hosting this competition and with the resumption of physical events, we are delighted to see everyone here face to face, and feel the youthful energy of the finalists.

The PAYM was set up in 1971 as a core youth movement in Singapore to engage youth in meaningful pursuits and support the Government in nation building.

Through our strategy of ‘Youth for Youth, Youth for Community’, PAYM provides diverse and holistic activities for our youths to develop into responsible and active citizens. Involving 102 Youth Clubs based at the Community Clubs/Centres (CCs), PAYM’s various programs and activities create a common space for youth to bond and contribute to their local communities regardless of race, religion, and educational backgrounds.

Over at PAYM, we proactively create opportunities for our youth to unleash their potentials and fulfil their aspirations.