
Emcee Lester Leo was the emcee for ICOM-CECA annual conference held in Singapore.

ICOM, short for International Council of Museums, is a non-governmental organization of museum professionals with the aim of exchanging scientific information at the international level, developing professional standards, adopting rules and recommendations, and implementing collaborative projects.

ICOM has 31 international committees, and one such international committee is CECA, the Committee for Education and Cultural Action.

CECA is also one of the largest committees within ICOM with more than 1,500 members from around 85 countries, who are professionals working in various sectors of the museum field or in institutions related to this field who are interested in research and practice in the field of museum education.

The theme for this year’s conference is Museums: Shaping the Future of Education.

Lester also moderated a panel discussion with Ms Claire Bown, Founder of Thinking Museum, and Dr Aidan Wong, Assistant Professor of Urban Studies (Education), College of Integrative Studies, Singapore Management University and Deputy Director, Wee Kim Wee Centre.